

Welcome! Yoyogi Campus in Spring 2024

In 2024 spring, Yoyogi Campus will open. We are looking forward to meeting families around the Shibuya and Shinjuku area!  Yoyogi Campus will have a full day nursery and kindergarten program.  Please join our orientations to hear all about what life is like at GGIS!


Summer School 2024

Let’s celebrate summer! Join our four-week STEAM Summer School Program! Deadline to sign up: Friday, July 26th


STEAM Day 2024

Full STEAM ahead! Unleash your inner innovator, learn new skills, and discover the power of engineering. Be sure to sign up by May 31st to join the fun!

Events, Events, Events, Events, Events, Uncategorized

Spring School 2024

Spring is coming! Come join our three-week Spring School Program! Deadline to sign-up: Friday, March 1st.

Events, Uncategorized

Winter School 2023

This year GGIS will host 2 weeks of Winter School!


Afterschool Under 6 Program Consolidation

We are here to announce that our Afterschool Under 6 Program will consolidate to the Annex campus.


Halloween Party 2023

For this year’s Halloween party, we’ll be venturing into a mad scientist's laboratory! Wear your best costume and join us for exciting experiments and trick-or-treating! If you are over the age of 6, then join us at our Annex campus and experiment with the mad scientist’s left-behind notes! Deadline: October 20th

Announcements, Announcements

Monthly Tuition

Effective April 1st, 2024, Monthly Tuition will be revised. Please refer to the notice for more details.


Summer School 2023

Summer School is coming up soon! This year GGIS will be hosting 4 weeks of Summer School. We’ll be learning about construction, design, and cooking to have our very own Summer Festival! Sign up by July 21st!